Tuesday, April 4, 2023

How Much is a Saudi Visa from the UK?

Many Britons are concerned that they won't be able to make the Hajj trip because of the existing limitations in place because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The answer is somewhat nuanced and situation-dependent. Due to quarantine regulations and other travel limitations, it is currently impossible for British citizens to do Umrah using Umrah packages Birmingham in Saudi Arabia. But, this rule may have an exception that applies to your specific situation. When booking a vacation overseas, it's smart to double verify with your airline and the relevant authorities.

Muslims perform Umrah, a religious trip to Makkah, at various times throughout the Islamic calendar. Travelers from all over the Muslim world come to pray, sacrifice animals, and spend time with other believers at the site where Muhammad was born. Those who want to go on umrah can choose from a wide variety of packages, such as tours by bus and discounted plane tickets.

Are you trying to find affordable Umrah packages? If that's the case, you're in the correct place. With this manual, you will learn everything you need to know to select the most suitable Umrah package for your financial situation. How to discover the best deals, what features to look for, and how to compare plans will all be discussed. Your Umrah can be both practical and life-changing with our assistance. When choosing an Umrah package, it's important to keep in mind a few aspects. Some examples are:

The precise coordinates of your destination's hotel, mosque, or other facility. What is it like to go to Saudi Arabia during Ramadan? This question depends on a number of factors, including the length of time spent at a single location or in transit, the number of individuals in your party, and the types of accommodations and modes of transportation available to you. Don't forget to include in the cost of handling your shipment when planning your finances.

What Should You Look for in a Cheap Package?

Unlike Hajj, which must be performed between the months of May and September, Umrah can be performed at any time of the year. Although it is sometimes referred regarded as the "lesser pilgrimage" in comparison to Hajj, Umrah is nonetheless an essential aspect of the Islamic faith. There are a wide variety of options for individuals looking to purchase December Umrah Packages 2023. Consider the price of flights, the cost of lodging, and any extras that come with your package while shopping for a low-priced umrah vacation. You should also check if the bundle accommodates your unique requirements.

It's crucial to think about things like the quality of the lodging and transportation included in an Umrah package as well as the price. Remember to add the price of meals and other necessities that are part of the package. You should also inquire as to the level of help you will receive from the tour operator or agency arranging your Umrah trip when you are in Mecca.

How Much is a Saudi Visa from the UK?

Are you a Brit with plans to visit Saudi Arabia? A visa is required for entry into the nation. British nationals must pay a fee to obtain a Saudi visa, the amount of which varies with factors such as visa category, duration of stay, and nationality. A single-entry visa will typically cost between £500 and £1000. The fee rises for visas that allow for numerous entries. Other expenses, such as those for processing or insurance, should be accounted for as well. The most up-to-date information on visa requirements and fees can be obtained from your nearest embassy or consulate.

A visa is required for all visitors, including those from the United Kingdom, before they can enter Saudi Arabia. How much it will cost you to get a Saudi visa from the United Kingdom depends on details like the visa type you need and how long it will be valid for. Consider the cost of application processing and mailing as well.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Hajj and Umrah gift ideas for Pilgrimage

Hajj is a Sunnah that must be done once a year. Umrah, on the other hand, is a smaller pilgrimage that can be done at any time of the year. Muslims' souls are made clean by Hajj and Umrah. People treat pilgrims with respect and give them gifts when they return from Hajj or Umrah. When they return from Hajj or Umrah, people also give Tabbaruk to their families. Muslim pilgrims travel with Umrah packages London every year to perform Hajj or Umrah. Many Muslims can't perform Hajj or Umrah because they don't have enough money. When you get back from Saudi Arabia, it is a kind thing to bring gifts for your friends, family, and other people you care about. Here is a list of gifts that should be given to people who have just done Hajj or Umrah.

Dates: There are many different kinds of dates in Makkah and Madina, but Ajwa dates are the most popular. They are sweet and very soft. Many health problems are thought to be cured by them. Muhammad SAWW grew the Ajwa dates himself, and he likes these sweet black dates. Pilgrims have to bring dates back with them when they go home.

Zamzam Water: This is holy water that has been around for a long time. When Hazrat Ibrahim's baby son Ismael cried because he was thirsty, the well of Zamzam was made. It was amazing. Pilgrims bring big bottles of Zamzam, and the water is put into smaller bottles. Pilgrims give their friends and family these small bottles of Zamzam as a gift.

Prayer mat and Tasbih: Every Muslim prayed on a prayer mat. The prayer mats of Saudi Arabia are well-known and come in many colours and materials. The prayer mat is a gift that Muslim pilgrims give to their family and friends. Prayer beads are another name for tasbih. This is a tool that is used to keep track of how many times you pray. It's easy to find and comes in many colours, shapes, and sizes. Both Makkah and Madina make it easy to find tasbih. After performing Umrah using the December Umrah Packages UK, you can give this to other people.

Itar and Arabic cosmetics: In Makkah, people love the smell of Oudh in the form of itar or perfume. Itar and Arabic beauty products are also great gifts for women.

The traditional clothes of Saudi Arabia are hijabs, abayas, and thobes. Men wear white robes called thobes, and women wear long robes called abayas. People all over the world know about Saudi Abayas and Thobes. These are easy to find in Makkah and Madina's shopping areas. This gift is sure to please your family.

Gold jewelry: You can give your family and friends nuts, tasty sweet snacks, Arabian Zaafran, cookies, and chocolates as a gift.

Gold jewellery: Some pilgrims can get their families gold jewellery. Because the quality of gold in Saudi Arabia is very high and it costs less than in other places. The shops have the most beautiful and up-to-date jewellery. People believe that if they buy gold in the holy cities of Saudi Arabia, they will be blessed with wealth.

Friday, September 16, 2022

The most Sacred mosques of Islamic Religion

Masjid-al-Haram remains the holiest mosque of Islam to exist on Earth. The reason being it has a great association with Islamic history and origin. In addition, millions of pilgrims arrive here every year for the holy rituals of Hajj and Umrah by best Hajj and Umrah travel Agents of Islamic Travel. Hajj tour is an obligatory sacred pilgrimage that Muslims undertake from the 8th to the 12th of Dhu-al-Hijjah; annually. On the other hand, Umrah is a sunnah pilgrimage of the Holy Prophet (SAWW), thus, performed voluntarily by a believer.  

In addition to the Holy Mosque of Makkah, there are a total of three sacred mosques of Islam present in this world. So, here’s a brief description of them. 

1. Masjid-al-Haram.

Masjid-al-Haram also known as the ‘Great Mosque of Makkah’ or ‘Makkah’s Grand Mosque’ remains the holiest mosque of the Islamic religion. Masjid-al-Haram reserves exceptional spiritual significance for Muslims. Holy Kaabah, Hajar-e-Aswad (the black stone), Maqam-e-Ibrahim, the hills of Safah and Marwah, as well as the well of Zamzam – all are present within n its premises. 

Masjid-al-Haram is located in the holy city of Makkah in Saudia Arabia that’s why it remains the true focal point of Islam for believers. Masjid-al-Haram (the holy Kaabah) remains the only Qibla of Islam. No matter where they reside in the world, Muslims offer their prayers facing its direction. That’s why Masjid-al-Haram also remains referred to as the ‘House of Allah Almighty; here Ibadah and Tawaf never stop!

As the fifth obligatory pillar of Islam, the largest annual religious gathering of pilgrims can be seen here during the time of Hajj pilgrimage; nearly 4 million people! Due to this reason, Masjid-al-Haram also remains the largest mosque in the world as well. 

2. Masjid-al-Nabawi.

Masjid-al-Nabawi (SAWW), also known as the Prophet’s Mosque, is present in the holy city of Madinah of Saudia Arabia. The mosque was initially established as well as built by Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) himself. In fact, the Roza-e-Rasool (SAWW) is also present here – Masjid-al-Nabawi is the resting place of our holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW). 

Though it originally remains the third mosque to be established in the history of Islam, it is considered the second holiest mosque of Islam because of its sanctity. Despite this, it’s also the second-largest mosque in the world as well i.e., after Masjid-al-Haram. 

Though none of the Hajj or Umrah rituals are associated with Masjid-al-Nabawi, millions of Muslim pilgrims visit this mosque and offer prayers there in their love and respect for the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW). 

3. Masjid-al-Aqsa.

Masjid-al-Aqsa is also known as ‘the Farthest Mosque’ and is the 3rd holiest Mosque of Islam that also served as the first Qibla. However then as per the will of Allah Almighty Qibla was changed from Masjid-al-Aqsa to Masjid-al-Haram i.e., Holy Kaabah during the times of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW). 

Masjid-al-Aqsa is present in the Old City of Jerusalem. The entire area of Masjid-al-Aqsa consists of the famous ‘Dome of the Rock’; The Four Minarets, and the Seventeen Gates while the wider area being referred to as ‘Al-Haram-ash-Sharif (The Noble Sanctuary)’. 

These are some of the things to know about the three most sacred mosques of Islam.

Maintaining Spirituality after hajj and umrah

 For a believer, the most precious spiritual journeys are of Hajj and Umrah. Throughout the year, Muslim pilgrims keep on arriving in the city of Makkah for holy rituals with their Ramadan Umrah packages 2023 London. They gather in Haramain; supplicate to Allah Almighty and observe the rituals of Hajj (annually during the 8th of Dhu-al-Hijjah and till the 12th) as well as of Umrah (which can be performed at any time of the year.

The Islamic pilgrimages not only bless a pilgrim with peace and tranquility but also offers a new perspective of worldly life for them. However, as the Hajj and Umrah rituals are complete, pilgrims return to their homes and with time they begin to lose the level of spirituality they had once attained during the pilgrimage. For instance, the lessons learned during the pilgrimage as well as the elevated sense of spirituality seem to fade away with time as they get engrossed in their daily routines. 

So, if you want to maintain spirituality after hajj and umrah, here are some of the things to consider.

Consistency in Acts of Worship.

It was narrated by our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) in a hadith that the most beloved acts of a person in Allah’s estimation are those which are done in consistency (even if they are few).

Therefore, one must remember that he/she doesn’t necessarily need to maintain the same levels of worship they had on their Hajj/umrah journey but at least keep the consistency in acts of worship. 

As a matter of fact, if you can keep just a few small and manageable ones but do them sincerely and consistently; the smallest but honest good deeds are the most rewarding. Thus; 

  1. Be punctual in performing your daily salah.
  2. Be a part of different charitable events.
  3. Help the needy and poor.
  4. Be kind and forgiving towards everyone. 

Protect yourself at all times.

  • Try your best to protect yourself from all sorts of physical, mental, and spiritual filth and at all times. 
  • Avoid such sights and sounds that you think pose a threat to corrupting your heart and ultimately enticing you towards sinning. 
  • Whenever you see or hear of any sinful act, immediately try to erase its effects by replacing those temptations with something better and meaningful. For instance, the most important thing to do in this regard is to guard your sight and tongue (being mindful of the words you utter). 

The way Shaytaan was humiliated on the day of Arafah i.e. when you performed the Rami ritual, he’s now even more determined to corrupt you. Therefore, whenever you feel any wrongful temptations, repeat that act of pelting in your imagination and try to chase him far away. Consequently, the more control you have on yourself, a lot of sins would be easily avoided.

These are some of the tips that will help you in maintaining spirituality after hajj and umrah.

Facts about the Zamzam water

 Among the many blessings of Allah Almighty that pilgrims of hajj and umrah enjoy, Zamzam water remains a prominent one. In fact, it’s among the rituals of the holy pilgrimages to drink Zamzam water! That’s why it’s advised for pilgrims arriving in the kingdom through December umrah packages Birmingham to drink and make the maximum use of Zamzam water, but at the same time, shouldn’t waste it. Pilgrims are also given canned Zamzam water to carry to their homes as a gift/souvenir for their loved ones.

1. Well of Zamzam.

The well of Zamzam is present inside Masjid-al-Haram. To be more specific, it remains located about 20 meters (66 feet) east of the Holy Kaabah. The supply of Zamzam water is available throughout the Haramain through various water stations but pilgrims cannot physically access the Zamzam well.

2. Historical significance.

The well of Zamzam sprung during the time of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). When his (AS) son Hazrat Ismail (AS) was crying because of thirst and hunger in the barren desert of Makkah with no help in sight; Allah Almighty, by his will, discovered the well of Zamzam for him. 

3. Purest Water.

The Zamzam eater is the purest water to ever exist on Earth. Researches have shown that the perfect ratio of bicarbonates found in Zamzam water is even higher than the total found in the famous ‘French Alps’ water.

No microorganisms.

Another surprising fact about Zamzam water is that it contains no harmful microorganisms i.e., germs and bacteria cannot survive in it. 

According to the research of Dr. Yahya Koshak, a series of tests were conducted using ultraviolet tech through Europe and Saudi Arabia, and Zamzam Water was found to be completely free of any harmful microorganisms at all times. The reason being its high levels of the ‘fluoride’ mineral as well as the rich contents of ‘Calcium’ and ‘Magnesium’.

4. A Treatment. 

It was narrated by Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) in a Hadith that the Zamzam water is good for whatever purpose it is drunk for. Therefore, it can be evidently said that Zamzam water has exceptional healing capabilities for a lot of different ailments.

5. The well of Zamzam has never dried.

As surprising as it may seem, the water of Zamzam well has never dried and to date, the origin of its water i.e., from where it flows/comes remains unknown. Its water has been flowing and being used by people for thousands of years till date but it never depletes. In fact, it will remain like this till the end of time because it surely is a miracle of Allah Almighty.

These are some of the most significant facts about the Zamzam water that everyone should know about. 

Spirituality of the month of Dhu-al-Hijjah

 Muslims have been blessed with a variety of sacred occasions in an Islamic year. Allah Almighty not only improves the spirituality of believers in this month but also the reward for it gets multiplied as per the will of Allah Almighty. Though as Muslims we know that every new day is like a blessing from Allah Almighty for believers, certain times are considered a bit more holy for a variety of reasons. Among those, the month of Dhu-al-Hijjah reserves great significance. It’s the 12th and last month of an Islamic lunar calendar that carries special status because the annual obligatory pilgrimage of Hajj is observed in it. Millions of Muslims flock to the city of Makkah through umrah packages deals and offer holy rituals together.

Here’s a brief description of the spirituality of the month of Dhu-al-Hijjah.

Importance of Fasting during first ten days.

Fasting on a daily basis during the first ten days of Dhu-al-Hijjah possesses exceptional significance. Especially fasting on the ‘Day of Arafah’ (which is the 9th of Dhu-al-Hijjah) is something Muslims all over the world observe.

It was narrated by Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) that fasting on the Day of Arafah is an expiation for all the sins committed in the previous year and an expiation for all the sins of the coming year as well.

Recitation of Dhikr and Takbir.

A believer must recite as much Takbir and Dhikr as he/she possibly can at this time of the year because it’s one of the greatest Sunnah of our Holy Prophet (SAWW).

It was narrated by Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) in a Hadith that there are no days on which good deeds are greater and more beloved to Allah Almighty but on these ten days of Dhu-al-Hijjah; recite Takbir, Tahmeed and Tahleel excessively.

The time for Hajj pilgrimage.

Hajj is observed every year by millions of Muslims in the month of Dhu-al-Hijjah. The rituals of Hajj are commenced from the 8th of Dhu-al-Hijjah and last till the 12th day. In this time period pilgrims gather in the holy city of Makkah; travel to a lot of different places and offer holy rituals there as specified in the sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAWW).


In the month of Dhu-al-Hijjah i.e., on the 10th; Muslims across the globe celebrate Eid-al-Adha and sacrifice animals. This celebration is done in the remembrance of the great Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) i.e. when he got ready to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail (AS) on the orders of Allah Almighty.

Hence Muslims slaughter goats, sheep, cows, camels during this festival and distribute its meat among three equal parts; for the needy, for their relatives as well as keeping for themselves.

That’s how important the month of Dhu-al-Hijjah remains for the Muslims in terms of its spirituality and association with Islamic history.

Necessary rules of Ihram

The concept of Ihram is significant when it comes to the holy pilgrimages of Islam i.e., Hajj and Umrah. Though the word Ihram is usually termed as the ceremonial clothing worn by pilgrims traveling through umrah packages 2023 prices for the pilgrimage – it’s actually a state of absolute physical purity assumed by a pilgrim. As a result of assuming Ihram, a pilgrim declares some lawful things as Haram i.e., unlawful on oneself for a specific period of time.

Once the holy rituals of the hajj or umrah pilgrimage are complete, the state of Ihram is denounced by a pilgrim. In simple words, assuming the state of Ihram is necessary for a Muslim pilgrim who intends to perform either hajj, umrah, or both.  Otherwise, the performance of the rituals (without having entered the state of Ihram) isn’t valid.

Here are some of the necessary rules of Ihram to know about.

Preparations to assume Ihram.

Ihram should and can only be worn by a pilgrim after absolute physical purity is obtained. For which one must;

  • Clip its fingernails as well as toenails.
  • If necessary, get a haircut and mustache trim.
  • Remove unnecessary hair from under the armpits and the navel.

Perform Ghusl because it’s a sunnah and recommended act. Though wudhu can also be performed if the person is not in a state of major impurity.

After all of these tasks are done, pilgrims can now wear Ihram clothes that should be neat and clean and then perform Salat-al-Ihram.

Ihram clothing rules for men.

For men, their Ihram only consists of two white-colored sheets of simple cloth; no other piece of stitched clothing can be worn as ihram.

The sheet of cloth used for covering the lower half of the body (from the navel to below the knees) is known as ‘Izar’, while the one used for covering the upper body (draping over the shoulders) is known as ‘Rida’.

Men cannot wear any sort of stitched clothing in their Ihram. In fact, wearing closed footwear i.e., that covers their feet and ankles is also not permissible.

Ihram clothing rules for women.

For women, their ihram can be the ordinary clothes worn by them. There’s no specific dress code to abide by when it comes to Ihram for women for; they can wear anything they desire provided that it remains simple, modest, and as per the teachings of Islam.

It’s not permissible for women to cover their face or hands in Ihram, however, their heads should remain covered at all times.

Miqat; the specific place for assuming Ihram.

The state of Ihram must be assumed by a pilgrim before crossing the Miqat boundary. Otherwise, a penalty is due for such a pilgrim who crosses Miqat without being in Ihram.

There are five different places specified as Miqat regions present at all corners of Makkah. Therefore, the Miqat place would differ for every individual depending upon his/her region of travel.

When a person assumes Ihram, certain prohibitions are imposed as well. It’s necessary to consider those prohibitions because violating any of those would make your Hajj/Umrah pilgrimage invalid.